What is microdermabrasion diamond?

Microdermabrasion treatments use a minimally abrasive instrument to gently sand your skin, removing the thicker, uneven outer layer, and has many benefits. This type of skin rejuvenation is used to treat light scarring, discoloration, sun damage and stretch marks.


If your skin appears dull, lifeless, or even older than you’d like, you can give it an instant boost with a microdermabrasion treatment. New, much healthier skin is hiding just below the surface of the old, dead surface skin, and microdermabrasion is an ideal way to uncover it instantly, without the risks of scars or side effects.




Microdermabrasion is a painless, noninvasive, skin-rejuvenation procedure using a combination of a fine abrasive tip or crystals and vacuum suction applied to the skin. There are no needles or anesthetics required for microdermabrasion.


Vacuum pressure and speed are adjusted depending on the sensitivity and tolerance of the skin. Microdermabrasion is often compared to the feeling of a cat licking your face, a rough but gentle texture. Typical microdermabrasion sessions can last anywhere from five to 60 minutes. Minimal to no recovery time is required after microdermabrasion and most people immediately return to daily activity after a session.


How often can I have microdermabrasion?

Microdermabrasion can be done as frequently as weekly or up to every eight weeks depending on your skin’s tolerance and desired cosmetic effects. Many people choose to start with weekly treatments for three sessions, then change to a monthly maintenance regimen.

Much like brushing your teeth, microdermabrasion helps to gently remove skin debris. Since human skin typically regenerates at approximately 30-day intervals, skin improvement with microdermabrasion is temporary and needs to be repeated at average intervals of two to four weeks for continued improvement. Usually, multiple treatments (six to 12 sessions) are recommended to see a significant improvement.



What does the vacuum do in microdermabrasion?

The vacuum part of microdermabrasion has four basic roles:

  • It gently pulls and lifts a small section of skin for microbrasion.
  • It can spray a stream of crystals across the targeted skin area.
  • It focally stimulates blood circulation and creates mild swelling in the skin.
  • It collects the used crystals and dead skin in a receptacle for easy disposal.



What should people expect before, during, and after microdermabrasion?

Generally, softer and smoother skin that feels fresher and more rejuvenated is the expected outcome after microdermabrasion. Before starting the microdermabrasion treatment, eye protection such as eye pads or goggles may be placed. Often the skin may be prepared and cleaned of makeup and oils. Yet, no tlocal anesthetic is required. The skin will be stretched to provide some tension in order to achieve the most effective abrasion and vacuum. The hand piece is moved over the skin with repeated single, smooth passes. Usually, two to four passes per area are sufficient.


Mild pinkness of the skin is the desired outcome and usually resolves within minutes to hours after microdermabrasion. In addition, mild exfoliation of skin may occur as well. Continuously apply moisturizer or ointment if exfoliation occurs. Patients may also experience mild sunburn-like sensation for a few days. Moreover, liberal application of sunscreen is recommended as photosensitivity may be increased after treatment.


Microdermabrasion may help stimulate the production of collagen, thereby helping skin rejuvenation. As age spots from photo-aging and fine lines are diminished, the skin may become softer and smoother. The results are modest, however.

What are possible side effects of microdermabrasion?

Potential side effects of microdermabrasion are minimal and this is a very safe procedure. Potential drawbacks are very limited in that microderm only affects the epidermis, which is the outermost skin layer. Common minor, temporary side effects include slight skin tightness, redness, bruising, and sensitivity. As a general rule, the greater the potential benefits with a cosmetic treatment, the greater the potential risks and side effects. The possible risks with more aggressive treatments like dermabrasion and laser are much greater than microdermabrasion.

Possible side effects of microdermabrasion include

  • skin tightness
  • redness
  • minor bruising
  • skin sensitivity




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Prijs: €90,- per behandeling

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